Project 365 - 1 Photo. Once a Day.

A photo a day keeps the blues away.
My life gets busy. Really busy. And I tend to lose track of the small things that in reality aren't so small. So here's my attempt to stay focused and make sure all of the little bits of life are remembered. Maybe my photography will improve along the way - maybe not. Either way - here's my life, captured in all of it's hectic, crazy, boring, routine, mundane, overwhelming craziness. Grab a cup of coffee, take a peek, and if you feel like it, leave me a comment or two.

31/365 {01.31.11}

I {heart} Arizona.
Shot from the car window :)

30/365 {01.30.11}

My grandma got a new horse. He doesn't eat much :)

29/365 {01.29.11}


Shutter speed: 1/640
Aperture: f4.0
ISO: 1000
Focal length: 70mm
Focus mode: Auto

28/365 {01.28.11}

This duck has GOT to be a female. I mean, just LOOK at the way she's gettin' after somebody :)

Agua Caliente Park.

27/365 {01.27.11}

Rain, sleet, snow or shine...or PAPER SHREDDER?!?

Thank you, USPS, for delivering my *piece* of mail :)

26/365 {01.26.11}

Black and White image. Literally.

PS - I shot this image for a black/white themed assignment because I was too lazy to try find some creativity and shoot a REAL black/white inspired image. But I do like the angle and the selective focus :)

Shutter speed:  1/100
Aperture: f5.6
ISO: 1000
Focal length: 100mm
Focus mode: manual

24/365 {01.24.11}

One work day ends, and another begins :)

Black/White conversion
Shutter Speed: 1/25
Aperture: f5.0
ISO: 1000
Focal Length: 35mm
Focus: Manual

23/365 {01.23.11}

A little local color - Barrio Viejo.

22/365 {01.22.11}

Bokeh (pronounced "bo-keh")
In photography, bokeh  is the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light."
Bokeh occurs for parts of the scene that lie outside the depth of field. Photographers sometimes deliberately use a shallow focus technique to create images with prominent out-of-focus regions.

Shutter speed: 1/125
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 400
Focal length: 85mm
Focus mode: Manual

21/365 {01.21.11}

Project 365 - Day 21.  Which is also self portrait #3 of 52 Faces (blech!). Not my face, but it IS me, and I DID take it, so technically it's a self portrait. And *I* make the rules, so nanny nanny boo boo and such.

20/365 {01.20.11}

Why is the PEZ always gone???

Shutter speed: 1/125
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 800
Focal length: 100mm
Focus: Auto

19/365 {01.19.11}

New Day...Old Glory

Shutter speed: 1/2000
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 100mm
Focus: Manual

15/365 {01.15.11}

Each day is a new day, and there is still warmth, and light, and hope, in Tucson, Arizona...

Shutter speed: 1/2000
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 100
Focal length: 100mm
Focus: Auto

14/365 Again {01.14.11}

Okay, yah... so I totally forgot that as part of this project 365, I am supposed to be doing a self portrait on Friday. Joy. I thought about NOT doing it (since I already posted today's photo), and then I thought, what the heck. So here I am, at 7:14p.m., in my sock monkey pjs. and a  nonfat, vanilla latte. Big surprise there, eh?

No, my hair is not styled today. No, I don't have any make up on. Yes, those are "crinkles" at the corner of my eyes. But it's me. In all my glory :)

14/365 {01.14.11}

Home Brew :)

Shutter speed: 1/30
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Length: 100mm
ISO: 1000
Focus: Auto

13/365 {01.13.11}

I don't always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer:

Shutter speed: 1/30
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 500
Focal length: 100mm
Focus: Auto

12/365 {01.12.11}

God Bless America

Shutter speed: 1/30
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Lenght: 100mm
ISO: 1600
Focus: Manual
"Concrete" texture applied

11/365 {01.11.11}

My favorite way to eat a salad ;)   Shaken, not stirred - 2 olives.

Shutter speed: 1/1000
Aperture: f4.0
Focal length: 130mm
ISO: 400
Focus: Auto

10/365 {01.10.11}

My officemate. I think I work harder than she does. Maybe.

Shutter speed: 1/13
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 1600
Focal length: 100mm
Focus: Manual

9/365 {01.09.11}

Tools of the trade: Kelly Moore (camera) bag and Starbuck's coffee.

Shutter speed: 1/160
Aperture: 2.8
Focal length: 100mm
ISO: 100
Focus: Auto

8/365 {01.08.11}

Sometimes I feel like I want to wrap my tender little feelings in this stuff. Kinda like bubble wrap, only...not.

7/365 {01.07.11}

Friday Face Day. Yep. It's me, with a starring role in this self portrait. I think I don't like this part of the project. I could definitely do without a weekly self portrait.

6/365 {01.06.11}

Addiction has many's mine:

Shutter speed: 1/100
Aperture: f2.8
Focal Length: 100mm
ISO: 1600
Focus: Manual

5/365 {01.05.11}

The awesome, motion sensored, Jelly Belly dispenser my Mom got Kelsey & Chase for Christmas.

Left Photo:
Shutter speed: 1/50
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 1000
Focal Length: 100mm

Right Photo
Shutter speed: 1/50
Aperture: f1.8
ISO: 640
Focal Length: 50mm

4/365 { 01.04.11}

Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f 2.8
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 100mm

3/365 {1.03.11}

Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f 2.8
ISO: 160
Focal Length: 100mm

2/365 {01.02.11}

Shutter Speed: 1/250
Aperture: f 11.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 72mm

1/365 {.01.01.11}

Shutter Speed: 1/1250
Aperture: f 9.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 85mm