Project 365 - 1 Photo. Once a Day.

A photo a day keeps the blues away.
My life gets busy. Really busy. And I tend to lose track of the small things that in reality aren't so small. So here's my attempt to stay focused and make sure all of the little bits of life are remembered. Maybe my photography will improve along the way - maybe not. Either way - here's my life, captured in all of it's hectic, crazy, boring, routine, mundane, overwhelming craziness. Grab a cup of coffee, take a peek, and if you feel like it, leave me a comment or two.

14/365 Again {01.14.11}

Okay, yah... so I totally forgot that as part of this project 365, I am supposed to be doing a self portrait on Friday. Joy. I thought about NOT doing it (since I already posted today's photo), and then I thought, what the heck. So here I am, at 7:14p.m., in my sock monkey pjs. and a  nonfat, vanilla latte. Big surprise there, eh?

No, my hair is not styled today. No, I don't have any make up on. Yes, those are "crinkles" at the corner of my eyes. But it's me. In all my glory :)

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